When you run into unexpected expenses, getting help can be as easy as searching for "cash advances near me." So, what exactly is a cash advance? A cash advance is simply another term for a payday loan. Many private lenders offer these loans, so it's easy to find one with terms that will work for you. When you are applying for a cash advance, it helps to understand what the repayment terms are and when you should be applying for one. With our simple guide, you'll have all the information you need to make your decision.
A cash advance is a short-term loan that gives you cash for dealing with emergencies like abnormally high bills or medical injuries. They are also called payday loans or payday advances because this type of loan essentially gives you an advance on your next paycheck.
A cash advance is not the same as a credit card cash advance. When you go through a cash advance loan company, you don't need to have a credit card to get the advance. Furthermore, you can shop around for the best deals instead of being limited by whatever terms your credit card company uses. Unlike most credit card cash advances, a standard cash advance loan will let you apply online. If you live in a rural area, the option of picking from all sorts of online cash advances is especially helpful.
When you realize you need a little extra financial help, it's fast and easy to apply for a cash advance loan. All you need to do is visit your lender's store or website. The process consists of the following:
While traditional loans come with lengthier applications that require an in-depth look at your personal finances, the application for this quick loan is usually shorter. Typically, when you go with in-person or online cash advances, the application does not require as much personal information.
Since the requirements are minimal, the lender will take, in most instances, minutes or less to verify the information from your application and figure out how much to offer you. Once the lender completes the verification tasks, they'll take your state's cash advance laws into account and make an approval decision. The lender will usually let you know their decision the same day.
Following approval, the lender will offer you a specific loan amount. When you accept the offer, the lender will work with you to complete the paperwork. Typically, lenders will explain the terms and payments as well as allow you to read the contract before you sign. The next step is electronically sending the funds to your preferred financial account.
You can use these funds for whatever you need right away. Depending on your state law your repayment is due on your next payday. Once you repay the amount according to the terms, the whole process is finished.
With this type of quick loan, it should not take long to fill out your application. Every lender is different, and laws can vary by state. However, most places have the same basic requirements:
Unlike traditional loans that take several months to a few years to pay back, cash advances (also known as payday loans) have much shorter repayment terms. Since they're designed to help out with emergencies, you should pay back the loan as soon as you're back on your feet financially. With a cash advance, the repayment term is typically due on your next pay date. Some lenders may allow a repayment term up to a few months or longer if their state laws permit it.
Cash advances vary by state but typically they are flat fees such as $15 for every $100 you borrow. You repay on your next pay date. Some states allow Extended Payment Plans (EPP) should you not be able to pay your loan on the due date.
Cash advances provide fairly flexible payment schedules, but you have to pay all the money by your loan's due date. Whatever the terms, your lender will discuss the requirements and your payment options to ensure that you understand them.
Now that you know all about how cash advances work, let's talk about when you might need to start searching for "cash advances near me." There are all sorts of situations where cash advances can be a major help. Here are some examples of reasons you might need a fast loan:
Whenever you have a financial emergency and just need a little extra money to make it by, cash advances may make sense. Depending on location, Check `n Go provides both online and in-person cash advances, so you can find the right loan for your needs. Our team is always here to help you learn more about cash advances, so feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Cash advances provide borrowers with quick access to funds, such as when unforeseen events pop-up like auto issues, health problems, pet health, and kitchen appliances on the fritz. Due to their risky nature, they can often have high interest rates. Credit cards are a convenient payment method that are used daily by many but come with high interest rates and fees if not paid off on time. There are many credit cards to choose from.
Many credit cards allow for borrowing money in advance that’s paid back later with interest. The money you borrow is added to your credit card balance. The APR for credit card cash advances are generally higher than for purchases. In addition to the high interest rate, credit card issuers also charge a cash advance fee.
Credit scores do generally play into the underwriting process when determining if someone is eligible for a cash advance. A borrower would need to go through the application process to find out if they will be approved for a cash advance.
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The information contained in our blog posts are the author’s own opinions, not those of Check `n Go or any other company. Any pros and cons are developed by our editorial team based on independent research. Some of the products, services, and offers on this page may not be available from Check `n Go. In Texas only: Check `n Go does not act as a credit services organization in providing this content.