Back to school time can cause chaos around your house and wreak havoc on your wallet. Aside from shopping for school supplies, packing lunches & preparing after school snacks can be hard on your household budget as grocery prices continue to rise.
As a parent, one of two things you probably hear the minute your kids walk through the door after school is, “I’m hungry. What can I eat?” Or “Can you help me with my homework?” Let’s keep it simple. Here are some easy snack ideas for your kids to refuel and enjoy before starting their homework.
Tuck teddy bear graham crackers in the centers of gummy 0-rings to create cute floating bear bites.
Core and slice an apple into 4-6 thick rounds, then spread your favorite nut or seed butter on one and sandwich it closed with another. Press a couple raisins, chopped figs or chocolate chips into the nut or seed butter that’s peeking through.
Thread a variety of fruits like raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and grapes on skewers. Add a few marshmallows in between for a sweet surprise.
Tortillas can be filled with a million things. Try peanut butter and jelly; salami and cream cheese; turkey, mayonnaise and cheese; hummus and sliced veggies – then fold in the sides and roll up tight like a burrito. Serve whole or sliced into little pinwheels.
Add crushed graham crackers to the bottoms of small, clear snack cups. Top each with vanilla pudding (dye with blue food coloring), then add gummy sharks or fish.
Here are some additional every day snack heroes.
Pro Tip: Find a friend with a warehouse club membership. If you can, partner with other parents to buy kid snacks and other groceries in bulk at a discount.
We hope you find these after school snack ideas useful. Whatever your approach, go easy on yourself and keep it simple.
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