Homework Hacks: Tips to Helping Your Child Succeed

by User Not Found Jun 20, 2022, 15:27 PM

Remember the days when we were doing homework – we know it isn’t fun, but it is necessary. So why not be well prepared to help your child if they are struggling to complete their homework task in a timely manner?

Remember the days when we were doing homework – we know it isn’t fun, but it is necessary. So why not be well prepared to help your child if they are struggling to complete their homework task in a timely manner? You only have so much time and a little bit of energy after a long day yourself, so we wanted to share a few tips which may help make it easier for you and your child.

1. Make the learning personal

Ask yourself when does my child have a high energy cycle and then with your child’s input decide when is the best time to approach homework. Some kids need a break from school to decompress and others need to start straight after school to maintain the focus.  Does your child like to start with the hard stuff first, or the easy task to knock them out of the way?  Either way set up the journey that works best for your kid, not every kid works the same way.

2. Establish a routine

Once you have understood how to personalize the journey, establish a routine. Set the time and place to complete the homework – whether that be the kitchen table at 4 pm or later after dinner. Having a routine teaches time management and makes them accountable for their completing the homework task.  Remember to choose a place that’s free of distractions, including electronic devices or family conversations.  It’s also extremely important for your child to take breaks to create and maintain momentum.

3. Talk to your child about their challenges

It’s important to identify real or imagined learning challenges and address them. Stay positive about overcoming problems and keep things in perspective — difficulties aren’t insurmountable, and failure is often a springboard for learning. However, there are ways to make learning, even the stuff they never truly love fun. Today’s children are digital natives so find applications and websites that embrace an online, interactive learning style to help overcome challenges. Have a conversation about what your child is struggling with and use it to guide your approach to teaching at home.

4. Let your kids complete their own homework

Sounds super easy, right? But holding back when you know you’re right or over-explaining something to the point of answering means that kids will never learn to think for themselves and make their own mistakes. Offer suggestions, give guidance and build confidence, but at the end of the day, it’s your child’s job to think and answer and solve.

5. Ask for help

Being a parent means that we wear several hats but ‘algebra expert’ doesn’t have to be one of them. If you don’t excel when it comes to certain subject matter, there are plenty of people out there who do. Find an expert on those topics who can provide your child the best advice and instruction, helping them to work with others and receive the guidance they need to succeed.

6. Stay in touch with your child’s teacher

Your child’s teacher can give you tips on how to get involved and which areas to focus on. Attend school events and parent-teacher conferences to get to know their specific expectations when it comes to homework. This will also allow you to share observations when it comes to your child, which will benefit the way you both ultimately support them.

7. Praise goes a long way

Praise from a parent helps to eliminate negative thinking and gives kids validation. This is not just important in your child’s younger years. Teenagers are still developing emotionally and often struggle with confidence. Praising improvements helps build a child’s confidence and will stay with them for a long time after the praise